Saturday, August 30, 2008


Yesterday was spent doing paperwork and picking up the new car. It's very nice but I need to have them look at the tires and balance then align them. It shakes when you brake and I can not have that. It's just not acceptable.

We spent most of today at the Woodstock Fair. DMAA did a demo...which I will add pictures to this later. Chase joined the children's class and it was nice..he seemed to pick up right where he left off.

We went and rented some movies, so we are heading upstairs to relax and watch those. Also, my friend Jenna is getting her house cleaned up and the last of her stuff moved into it. So I offered to take Jonah with us to the beach tomorrow. I did a little online research and there are two places we can go to. Either a beach, or a swimming hole. I will ask the boys which one they want to go to tomorrow. Personally, as long as I can kick back and relax..I don't care which one we go to.

OK, I'm taking the boys upstairs now.

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