Three days have passed since I last wrote. And it's been a whirlwind of activity. So much that I literally fall asleep as soon as I hit the bed.
Squeaky has been waking up in the early mornings lately. I'm unsure why, but have been feeding him cereal before bed to see if this will alleviate the problem. I have noticed that we are down to just a few bottles a day now. He is having rice cereal with juice about 2 to 3 times a day, with a vegetable or fruit as well. I'm also working on dry toast, crackers and cheerios. He's doing pretty well already. Loves to play with the spoon and bowl when we are done, but I don't do that too much since his high chair is in the living room *as is our kitchen table due to space constrictions* and on the carpet. But we will keep going.
He has also figured out forward in his little walker. He stands, looks a tad bit like a drunken sailor..but is moving himself along well. As well as a drunken sailor anyway. Yesterday it was rather humorous. He got himself wedged in the hallway while trying to turn around. It looked like a scene out of the Austin Powers movie with the golf cart. Chasers was giggling so hard I thought he was going to pop!
Chase's parent/teacher meeting was combined with a 504 plan meeting on Monday. It went really well. As you all know he has not been on medication until recently. Well, I am pleased to report his teacher was sad to give me the progress report she has for me. She made it very clear this report was made PREVIOUS to his being on medication and that he is doing a LOT better in class now. We just need to get the writing prompts working out better. She has given me ideas on how to jump start him at home. So we will be working on getting things from his head onto his paper now.
Veteran's Day was bittersweet without my husband there. But to distract myself from that point in fact, I had my friend's son with us for the day while she worked. So off we all trotted to a place called Monster Golf over in Webster Mass. I added a couple of pictures above for your entertainment purposes. This entire place is done in glow in the dark paint, and frankly, it's pretty damn cool. Squeaky was a little unsure, but fascinated at the same time. Even the balls were glow in the dark pink, orange and green. I thought it was pretty fun. Chase wants his birthday party there also. So arrangements are in the works right now. We shall see.
And speaking of birthday presents, Jim sent me a couple of gifts. He instructed me to open one of the boxes, so I had Chasers pick one for me. Well, as it turns out..I received a large bottle of Eternity Moment perfume. And I really, truly wanted that. And I love it. Now I am waiting and wondering what is in the other box. But my birthday is only a few weeks away so I can just sit and wonder.
Right now I notice that it is 8 pm my time, so I'm going to scoot and get Chasers tucked into bed. I'm sure he's pretty tired as he has been on the go all day.
1 comment:
Well I am glad you had a great time...jim
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