Sunday, March 22, 2009

Idiots Guide to Ex Husbands.

Today we took a beautiful drive to Augusta Maine. Tomorrow I will post the pictures for everyone to see.

But for right now I need to vent for the world to see!

Today, I texted my ex to remind him that Chase would be there during Easter. So he would remember to get him a basket. Because last year he didn't remember so his sister's threw together one at the last minute for Chase. I know this because Chase told me his was smaller than all the other kids, and didn't have as much stuff. He said he felt unimportant. Now, this text went from that to he bought a new truck and has his pregnant girlfriend *from another man I might add* living in his two bedroom apartment. Now this I could care less about with the exception that I mentioned to Chase that they were living there now. And the first words out of his mouth were *who's room are they sleeping in?* I told him the truth. That these 4 other kids were sleeping in Chase's room. So now he is upset with his father because the last time this happened was when Nicky and Mathew were living there and a bunch of his stuff was broken. Including his Nintendo Ds. I told Chase he needed to continue to share his feelings with his father and that some day he would listen. His comment to that was..well, at least at my house with you I know you will protect my stuff. It's sad to hear that come out of your own child's mouth. It really is.

The straw that broke the camel's back was when he said he was sick of my shit and going to have me arrested and put in jail. Then he would take custody of Chase and I would never see him again. Why? Because years ago while my husband and I were living in Germany, his ex girlfriend Bryanna hacked into his email. And she told me all about it, over the phone. Never once did we email about it. Why was it over the phone? Because she was trying to run up his cell phone bill because she caught him cheating on her. And the best way to do it was to call overseas. And she did a good job. She even made other friends overseas to call. It was a sad moment when he got that phone bill. And he had to pay it all because it was in his name. Anyhow, to he is saying she has supplied him with emails proving I was the one who hacked into his email.

Any my response? Really? So if this is the case get off your lazy ever loving ass and go to the Police Department and turn my ass in. Because you know what they are going to do? Laugh you right out the front door. Email is so easily manipulated, it's not even funny. All you have to do is hit reply and you can change any one's email to you that way. Humorous, isn't it? So her and I could have emailed about how cute Chase looked one day, and once it is changed and printed..No one would know the difference at all, would they?

So what is my lesson I have learned from all this BS? Not only do I already write down all the texts and emails and phone calls I have with him, I guess I will be contacting the phone company for text records, and having my computer friends go through my hard drive for all the emails.

Sad that I have to do this. But funny at the same time.

And after he finally stopped texting, what was my thought?

*OK..deep breathe. Chase is 8 so you only have to deal with this for 10 more years.*

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