Wednesday, May 13, 2009

American Idol...

Pleh. Today was mellow. I couldn't get my ass motivated to save my own life. Trust me. I did manage to get Chase to school on time, but after that it was..Dum dee Dum time. I headed off to Target and found a really cute container to hold my DS and all the little gadgets that it has. I grabbed a really cute little craft container that clicks together on four different levels. I found it in the sewing section oddly enough. But my DS fits in it. And there's a level for the games. And a level for the car charger, ear buds and extra stylus's. And an extra level for more games as we build them up. It will work fantastic for the many little road trips we have planned this next few months.

I received the confirmation in my email late last night. He is coming out to pick up Chase on May 30TH. I shared that with Chase and he actually started to cry this morning. He really doesn't want to go out to Oregon, but unless there is a strong reason I can not stop it from happening. I have my suspicions of what is going on, but I have no proof right now. But when Chase does finally open up and say he is not wanting to go out there I will stand beside him in court. And I will fight for my son's rights.

We will see what happens. I did manage to get all the utilities set up to be shut off. So everything will be turned off by the 16Th of June. And the movers will be done the same day. I'm eager to find out if we are going to be moving into our own house though. Yes. That would be a wonderful day to find out that we won't ever be paying rent again. That would be so nice. And the sad part is that we would be paying almost $250 less a month for our mortgage than what we pay in rent here in Connecticut. I will say with all the research I have done that I am amazed there are not more homeless people here. The rent is atrocious. The mortgages are HUGE and the houses are just tiny. I meant $1700 a month mortgage for a house that is not even 1100 square feet. Yikes! Yes, this is actually someone I know that is putting out that much money for that little of a place.

But right now I am going to get off here so I can watch this American Idol.


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