And off to Salina Kansas we went on Friday after Chase got out of school. What's there? This awesome Animal preserve called Rolling Hills Wildlife Adventure. What is the significance of this place? It's where Chase's Great Grandmother Esther was born. And how cool it was to hear Esther tear up when she heard on the phone that we were all standing there and about to go in. Definately worth the almost 3 hour drive to say the least. Sebastian was CONSTANTLY on the move and really enjoyed himself as well. He and Chase ran and ran and then ran some more. It was an absolute blast seeing thier reactions to the different animals, and how much fun they were having. I loved every second and this little break reminded me of why I go to school every day. So I can secure our children's futures and make sure we can continue to do trips like this.
And look at his smile. Tell me he didn't look happy to be with his Mommy and Baby Brother! It was a lot of fun, we were all sunburnt to the max, and tired as all get out. But we enjoyed every second with each other.
I am currently a SAHM (Stay at home Mother). My world evolves around my children. I strive to make the world a better place by putting one foot in front of the other. I support our Troops, they give us our freedom by doing what we ourselves don't have the balls to do. I love you guys. I avoid drama like the plague. I speak my mind. I hold no grudges. I keep no secrets. My life is my own, as yours belongs to you. If they intertwine at some point, it is meant to be.
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