Saturday, May 31, 2008

Another Day...

Has passed and I have survived. We are over the halfway mark for this deployment. And my confidence is growing that the love of my life will survive and make it home.

Today was the Tercentennial Parade...Killlingly has turned 300 years old! YAY!! Im very proud of the fact that Chase was in the parade today. He marched with Danielson Martial Arts Academy and did them proudly! Not to mention he looked so handsome in his little starch white uniform *they call it a Dobach*. Sebastian and I stood on the side towards the end and cheered them on! At one point we got worried because we did not see the DMAA, and people were getting up to leave...LOL

Sebastian and Chase both were worn out, so here I sit listening to the baby monitor and typing. I need to get a handy man in this house soon...The fan over Sebastians bed is wobbly and that has me really very nervous. Should that fall out and hurt him, I will own this house and every other property this man has in his name. I have called the landlord about that, the lights in the hall and living room, the screens that are missing and have holes. the lawn that the neighbor and I affectionately call our *forest*, and the little hornet problem. *funny note for you all, the first time I typed hornet it came out Horney...Wonder whats on my mind*

But I shall keep emailing and calling them and soon I will refuse to pay the rent and end up in a wicked battle with them. Anyone know another 3 bedroom place for rent, or someone that needs a part time worked that can bring a baby...LOL

Ok, I am off to the upstairs to take a hot shower and settle in for the night. I must save up my energy as it's almost time for girls night out!

Oh, one more thing before I go...During the parade I was gifted an American Flag by SSG Lamb...The recruiters here in Danielson have been especially wonderful to my family and I. If I have needed assistance regarding any kind of paperwork or anything they have been there. So to be given a flag in honor of my husband today means the world to me. I almost cried because I realized how badly I miss my husband.

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