Today I took Sebastian to the eye Dr. Nothing serious to worry about. His peditrician and I notices his left eye seemed to wander more than we were comfortable with so we went ahead and took some preventative care measures. As it turns out, we were just over zealous about something that will correct itself in a few short months. But that was not what disturbed me the most about my day.
You see, one of the eye technicians who was a really chatty cathy decided she would ask me the one question you just dont ask an Army Wife. Why do you support a man who is fighting a useless war such as Iraq? It must have been the look of defiance in my eyes that caught her off guard...Or maybe it was my answer.
How does a simple woman answer something like that? How do you answer in such a way that you dont end up in a political debate about the thousands of Americans, Iraqui's and various other countries soldiers and citizens who have died? How do you answer that question without coming across as a bleeding heart who just really gets tired of answering that stupid damn question?
I answered like this...
I fell in love with this absolutely wonderful man. He makes my heart skip a beat when I hear his voice. He is a father to our children even though one of them is not his biologically. He tries his hardest to make sure that space gap between us physically does not become mentally. He does everything he can to keep our marriage and love going strong even though he is so far away. And why is he far away?
Because before there was Arica and Jim, there was Jim and the Army. That man is a soldier who loves his country enough that he has sacrificed 19 years to serve his country. He has put off his life to be called up in the middle of the night. He is missing his infants sons firsts so he can help a country that has been in ruins for years become a stronger, more united country. He is doing what he CHOSE to do, because he loves being a soldier. There are days he hates digital, and days he hates 120 degree weather. But he will always be there doing what he loves, and feeling fulfilled at the end of the day when he lies his head, exhausted, in his bunk.
And he will sleep a restless night away dreaming of his family. Then get up the next day and do it all over again because he chooses to do this. For our freedom he sacrifices his. For your right to ask me a stupid question such as you just did, he commits to his duty as a soldier in the US Army. And I as a woman who loves a man will stand by his side and be proud of who this man is. Because this mans sacrifices makes my childrens futures so much more secure than ever before.
I have my fears, I have my doubts, I have my worries. But my Love is stronger than all of those combined. So if my husband dies in the line of duty I will proclaim loudly to all within earshot...He died doing what he loved to do...Serve his country and make his family proud. And each night he will lie his head down on his pillow and be grateful that he alone was able to make a difference. Even if it was as small as a smile to someone who may have needed it more than anyone else knew.
And I as an Army wife will love him through thick and thin. I will be there when he needs me, and even when he doesnt. I will do my part, be that strong, silent force that supports my soldier because I Love Him.
You see, one of the eye technicians who was a really chatty cathy decided she would ask me the one question you just dont ask an Army Wife. Why do you support a man who is fighting a useless war such as Iraq? It must have been the look of defiance in my eyes that caught her off guard...Or maybe it was my answer.
How does a simple woman answer something like that? How do you answer in such a way that you dont end up in a political debate about the thousands of Americans, Iraqui's and various other countries soldiers and citizens who have died? How do you answer that question without coming across as a bleeding heart who just really gets tired of answering that stupid damn question?
I answered like this...
I fell in love with this absolutely wonderful man. He makes my heart skip a beat when I hear his voice. He is a father to our children even though one of them is not his biologically. He tries his hardest to make sure that space gap between us physically does not become mentally. He does everything he can to keep our marriage and love going strong even though he is so far away. And why is he far away?
Because before there was Arica and Jim, there was Jim and the Army. That man is a soldier who loves his country enough that he has sacrificed 19 years to serve his country. He has put off his life to be called up in the middle of the night. He is missing his infants sons firsts so he can help a country that has been in ruins for years become a stronger, more united country. He is doing what he CHOSE to do, because he loves being a soldier. There are days he hates digital, and days he hates 120 degree weather. But he will always be there doing what he loves, and feeling fulfilled at the end of the day when he lies his head, exhausted, in his bunk.
And he will sleep a restless night away dreaming of his family. Then get up the next day and do it all over again because he chooses to do this. For our freedom he sacrifices his. For your right to ask me a stupid question such as you just did, he commits to his duty as a soldier in the US Army. And I as a woman who loves a man will stand by his side and be proud of who this man is. Because this mans sacrifices makes my childrens futures so much more secure than ever before.
I have my fears, I have my doubts, I have my worries. But my Love is stronger than all of those combined. So if my husband dies in the line of duty I will proclaim loudly to all within earshot...He died doing what he loved to do...Serve his country and make his family proud. And each night he will lie his head down on his pillow and be grateful that he alone was able to make a difference. Even if it was as small as a smile to someone who may have needed it more than anyone else knew.
And I as an Army wife will love him through thick and thin. I will be there when he needs me, and even when he doesnt. I will do my part, be that strong, silent force that supports my soldier because I Love Him.
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