And there it is. My absolutely wonderful boys immortalized forever on my body. Chase has the left side because he is the first born. His actual footprints. I can not believe he used to be that small, and looking at those prints..I miss him being that small. Sebastian, my second and last boy...Is on the right. His little handprints will forever pat me on the back. Encouraging my every step forward. I love my sons more than my own life. I never knew I would ever love so deeply and dearly ever. Thank you God.
It took a little over 2 hours to finish the tattoos, and my artist Brian...He is a good man! He works for Sacred Ink Tattooing in Danielson CT. Very detail oriented..Great personality as well! You should really see him for your next tattoo if you are in the area. I also noted I have now had 4 different artists showing thier work on my body. Impressive, huh?
So on a lighter note...Jim asked me what I did today. I told him nothing. I said I: glued the carpets to the stairs so Chase wont fall on his butt anymore. I did 3 loads of laundry and put them away. I hung 5 shelves. I cleaned all the floors. I assisted the electrician with replacing some plugs upstairs. I laughed my ass off when he fell on his...I told him to be careful because the glue was still setting on the carpet squares. I organized the basement and cleaned it up. I took stuff to Salvation Army and even dropped off some bags at the consignment store. Oh, did I mention I swept both the front and back porch off as well? Nah, Im a housewife that doesnt do a thing.
But now, Im going to go shower and sleep.
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