Did I also happen to mention that at 4 months, Sebastian is weighing in at a tiny 16 lbs, 8 ozs now? Yeah...and on top of that he is 27 inches long. It amazes me how quickly they grow. He was just this little thing not even 4 months ago and now he is rolling over and active! OMG...active is not even a good enough word for it.
I started Sebastian on rice cereal the other day and he did fantastic. Definately not allergic to food. Yeah, his size is showing that one...LOL He sure loves the heck out of his bath time too...Hehehe I fill the bottom of the bath with water and bubbles...the lie him in it. He will eventually be a swimmer...that is for sure. He gets those arms and legs going...and the faces he makes just kills me with laughter!! He reminds me so much of his older brother. I sure miss Chase.
On a better note..I get to see Chase in less than three weeks! YAY!!! And we are planning our kick ass get away to Cali as well! When we get back I have a trip planned to Boston so we can go to the Museum of Natural Science and the Boston Aquarium as well!! YAY!!!
I cant wait to get my boys all back together. Jim is doing as well as can be expected in Iraq. He calls when he cans, and we talk on AKO when possible. Sometimes it is really difficult because I have my hands full with Sebastian. I am truly worried about when Chase gets home, I think our talks will be reduced to emails because I will get busy again. Ugh. But we shall see.
We will be celebrating our 3 year Anniversary on the 22nd. I sent him out a box of goodies already. He has received it, and is waiting until it is time to open it. I cant wait until we can actually celebrate our Anniversary together finally. LOL. Wont that be nice.
Chase is well, he is beyond ready to come home. The ex spouse gave him his old cell phone which has worked out well for myself. When the ex spouse is not looking, Chase is calling me to tell me why he is so miserable and when can he come home to his brother and Mommy...:) I love that boy!
And as for myself, the tattoo's have finally healed. I will be going in sometime in the next few weeks to have it looked at and add birth dates to it as well. My poor Mother can not figure out who is what...Hehehe
Ok...back to the movie and then bedtime...Hugs!
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