Pete. I have had no urge at all to write lately. I have lots to say..but just no time to say it. Chase had his last day of Karate on Thursday. It was wonderful because Master Laperle got him a going away cake. And then on Friday they had the Hawaiian themed sleepover hence the above picture. What can I say honestly? My son is a ladies man! I just hope I instill a strong sense of respect for women into him unlike his father. So far he still thinks girls are icky..so maybe I'm doing something right?
Sebastian is off and running finally. Yes. There is no slow walking. The kid just up and took off at full pace. It's crazy to see him going. I had to actually get a spare baby gate to block off the stairs because he loves going up them. Fast I might add. Heck, he tackled the stairs before he even tried to take steps.
And as for myself, I just feel weirdly empty right now. I can't explain why I feel this way. I'm not lonely by a long shot. I have lots of friends that I text with and email, even talk to on MySpace and Facebook. But for some reason I'm just lost right now. I can't seem to get my things done that I do on a daily basis. Is this my pre-Chase leaving funk maybe? Or is it a quiet fear of moving to a new area again? Maybe it's my going to college jitters? I'm not sure, I'm just lost and spaced out right now.
So please don't anyone think it is them directly. It's just honestly me right now. Also, today I noticed that one of my fillings has fallen out. Now normally I would be a mess trying to get in and get it filled. But this tooth is one that will be coming out when I start getting my bridges put in. Years ago I had a car accident and in the process clamped my mouth shut. When I did this the impact was enough to crack several of my teeth. So off to the dentist I went to have them all filled and fixed. Now the irony is that this filling represented the last of the Mohegans in my mouth. All the other teeth that had been fixed have since been pulled hence the gaps in my mouth. But we will start fixing them now that our bills are paid off. I could honestly do without them but frankly I am tired of people seeing my adult acne and missing teeth. And guess what they are thinking? Can we say *crackhead*? Which I am far from.
I need to get cracking on our Oregon trip pictures. There are some great pictures in the bunch. So I will try and get that all settled in soon. For now I am going to do the dishes and head to bed.
Just alot on your shoulders right now. Hang in there baby. It will all work out fine. Keep your chin up and say Fuck You World, i am in control. lol Mom
Yeah do what your mom says....
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