Monday, April 6, 2009

Silence and the economy...

I have had a small moment of reflection and my blog has shown it. The last few days have blurred in and out. I have been busier than ever with making things shake and move.

Some small news..I had my final weigh in last Saturday. Out of 122 people I placed 9Th with a total weight loss of 18.6 lbs. I am only 6.4 lbs from my goal. And then I will set a new goal after that. My ultimate move will be when I am down to 155. That will be what I weighed before I got pregnant with Chase. And after that point I have discussed plastic surgery with my husband. Because that will be a lot of lose skin. And once I hit that goal weight, I plan to stay there.

This economy is really affecting a lot of people. But oddly, we are on the bottom of the ladder and it's not touching us. Several people ask how they are to survive this. It's simple. Tighten your belts and start living by a budget. Jim and I have been doing this for years now. And we have been in trouble here and there, but nothing we couldn't get out of within a few weeks or so. I see too many people jumping into houses without doing the research. I see people paying for storage on boats that don't even run. Hell, some of them don't even float. But it's worth keeping because you have always wanted a boat. Oh, and lets not get started on how bad some one's credit is yet they think that having their sister sign to get a brand new car for them is a great idea. No, save your money..rebuild you own credit and buy your own damn car. Stupid people. If you can't pay cash for it right now, good lord, don't buy it. THAT is why people get into trouble with their finances. Because we have become a *gotta have it now* society.

Anyhow, I am heading to bed as the baby is finally letting me sleep at night.


Anonymous said...

congrats on the weight loss.
Economy= yes, we have become a society that people have to live the high life. Not all people have fallen victims to bad credit, bankruptcy and in trouble due to that lifestyle though. Alot of people ended up living off of credit to stay above. Sad but it happens. Live and learn hopefully after that.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the great job you have done at loosing weight. I am proud of you.

Thank God we seen this coming and paid off every credit card we had, one at a time and refinanced our home at lower interest rate. Only 1car left to pay off and its my toy. Both our jobs are secure for now and will always be in demand.

Many loosing homes, were in it over thier heads when they bought them. And banks over financed people who could not afford them to begain with. Now who is suffering? Not the banks. They are partying heartily with our tax dollars.

God bless our children & grandchildren who will be paying all this money back that Oboomba has so unwisely spent for us.

God save us all!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with your friends statement..but the blame can not just be blamed on Obama..Even though I suppported Bush through out his 8 yrs, but Bush was the first president to push for a bail out plan. Yes Obama has gone and asked for alot more money from the taxpayer and our kids kids will live with this debt. I am for one in favor of not bailing out these companies be it bank, automakers or whatever. They are large companies that should have taken better care for themselves. Look at FORD they are the only automaker that is not asking for money. Now as for people well they where stupid to buy into a home when they knew they could not afford one. I shed no tears for them... Well that is my 2 cents

Your Hubby