Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tired of the drama...

So, I have been accused of posting personal stuff all over the internet. I am now going to do it. We have been having problems non-stop lately and I'm tired of the fighting. I need to get past the "He said, she said" and move forward for the boys. I'm tired of bickering over unimportant things. I need to work my ass off and get my college done. I only have 18 more months to go, and then I will have my degree. And I can start working, and support the boys to my fullest extent. I just can't handle all this anymore. I love Jim, but I have no idea who this man is, and where his hatred is stemming from. He always claims I am trying to be perfect, but the reality is that I need to be stand up for my sons. They already have one angry, hateful parent. They don't need two.

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