Friday, March 27, 2009


So we are now getting to the point that we are watching the clock and the calendars. Jim will be home June 15Th. And we will be able to finally be a family again. Chase will probably leave by May 30Th to his father's house for the summer. It seems a little early, but Jim and I had a few longs talks about it. And since school starts so early in Kansas, we saw no issues with withdrawing him a little early. I have not heard anything at all from my ex spouse since I informed him he is never to speak to me again. He can talk to my husband, or my attorney. But never to me ever again. He wants to treat someone like crap, it can be the woman whom he is sleeping with. And I am not her. So there is no reason for him to ever speak to me again. I won't tolerate this anymore.

His games, threats, lies and plots will all fall on deaf ears. Jim won't tolerate it and my attorney will weed through it and then bill him. Simple as that.

But things are looking up finally. We are getting closer and closer to the end of this long haul. I just survived a chilling 3 day cold that I'm still unsure if it was a cold or not. More like 3 days of the chills, sweating, headaches and fever. And then I woke up this morning and it was gone. Poof. Just disappeared.

There is a certain bit of optimism I am hearing in my husband's voice now when he calls. It's soothing. It's nice to hear him actually have a little animation in his voice finally. To have something to look forward too. I can tell he is eager to be home now. And to move onto the next chapter of our lives. And speaking of that, I received a packet in the mail yesterday. It was from the realtor's we have been speaking with. About different houses and what not. But this packet has all kinds of information about attractions and fun stuff around the area. It looks like a ton of fun out there!

OK, time to get my chores done.

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