Saturday, November 15, 2008

Oh Mom!

That's what I have heard soooooo many times in the last few days. Chase's fundraiser stuff came in the other day, and so to teach him how far politeness goes I have him doing a chore. I have him writing each person a thank you note for purchasing candles. And he is hating it. It's only 14 people but it's a TON MOM!! So about 3 cards a night until they are done. He's a trooper!

The last few days have gone by uneventful. Thanks to Sean who so bravely chewed that jerk out. I have heard nothing from him, and it's nice.

I recorded Squeaky some more walking in his little walker. He's getting pretty adept at it. Right now he wants his Mommy's attention though. So I am off to torture my sons a little more!

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