Thursday, January 22, 2009


Did the week go? It's freaking Friday tomorrow already. Just a small update that so far I have seen and heard nothing. So tomorrow I will write the *sorry it sucks to be you* email to the ex and blind copy it to the attorney.

And start making plans for the boys and I to take a small trip somewhere. Anywhere just to get out of the house. We haven't done anything like that since summer. And there are several states here *Vermont, Hew Hampshire and Maine* that I have not been to as of yet.

OK. It's Grey's night so I must go.


Jessinct said...

You could hit Santa's village in New Hampshire. I am not sure when they are open. How about edaville railroad in Carver MA.
Boston museuem of Science is cool. I am sure I can think of more.

Terri said...

yay I found you now I can follow your blog. I posted today I missed a few days of some cute things that happened. I also posted a fun valentine craft on my other blog that might be fun to do with the boys