Monday, September 22, 2008

And now the wait...

So the ex spouse called tonight wanting to know why someone named ******** was calling to speak to him from Connecticut. So I had Chase tell him what exactly happened on his end, and then I explained to him what I did and what is going on from this point. He was not happy with what Chase said and how he was acting which led us to the situation at hand. But I will say that from his tone of voice he is very contemplative. If it is good or bad, I shall find out soon enough.

But we did talk about what is going on with Chase. The little mood swings, the bed wetting and the clamming up when he really wants to talk about things. He stated he understands my frustrations, and I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt..but it won't happen. Too many times we have discussed things with Chase that he has turned around and used against me for his own purposes. But I double dog dare him to drag me into court on this one. I really do. And I was correct on the medication issue with Chase. He told me that he *spoke to a medical professional out here who said Chase should not be on this medication*. So he was not giving him the medication as was told by Chase's Dr here.

Go figure. No one reading this is surprised. I should have challenged him and asked who he spoke to but I am just not up for the fight tonight.

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